Flowing in the Breeze

One other aspect of breezes is that they are everywhere. The air is constantly moving, even when you can’t see it, you can feel it. The smells carried on those breezes can elicit feelings, memories. 

A few years ago I hosted a table at the Tour of Tables at my Church. I’d never even heard of them until that year, but the gist of it is to choose a Bible verse, decorate your table accordingly, then explain what the verse means to you. I chose Ephesians 5:2.

Ephesians 5:2

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.”

I examined what we would consider to be a “sweet smell”. Grandma’s kitchen, a newborn baby, the smell of fresh cut grass. These things bring forth the sweetest memories, joy, love. But what about the smells that we can’t ever forget. The smell of the Intensive care unit, the cancer ward, the nursing home. That stagnant air of the funeral parlor overwhelmed by floral arrangements. Are these aromas that make us remember how much we are loved by God? 

Or what about the smell that we ourselves are when we are bitter towards others. When we slander, lie, when we gossip. When we are intentional to do and seek harm? I know that being in the presence of someone who is like this grieves my soul. I don’t sit in judgement of them, even if they are Christians and I have every right to. But I do ask myself “What happened to them?” and pray that whatever it was, they can someday forgive them, themselves and give it to God. Make it a great day, every day.

Jeanette Egan

Wood Burning artist making custom creations to encourage and bring smiles! 


That Refreshing Breeze


In the Cross Breeze