Ohh Sunshine, it’s a Blustery Day ! (Me via Pooh Bear by A.A. Milne)

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A normal day for me is to hit the ground running daily. Ideas, words, work swirl around me all day long. I usually try to start the day with Scripture or a verse at least then I listen to sermons on the radio all day long as I work through an app on my phone. 

Some of my favorites that I love to listen to are; Alan Wright, Alaister Begg, Dr. David Jeremiah, Lon Solomon,  Michael Yusef, Don Wilton, R.C. Sproul, Erwin Lutzer, Charles Stanley and I know I’m forgetting a few more. But these voices have become my comfort. They convey to me peace. The peace I need in order to get through my day, especially when my worlds are colliding and I can’t seem to get caught up. 

They are my anchor and they bring me out of the storm daily. I do not worship them, but I certainly appreciate their efforts to convey the word of God to me and help me gain deeper understanding. For they are just men after all. Man is fallible. (I use this as Man as a species). So maybe your days are hectic. Maybe your worlds collide in unbearable ways. Where is your anchor? What pulls you through? Trust in Him, He will pull you through. 

Make it a great day. Every day. 

“The Father is with you and will keep you anchored until this storm passes”

                                                                                               . Zephaniah 3:17

Jeanette Egan

Wood Burning artist making custom creations to encourage and bring smiles! 


Ain’t No Sunshine When They’re Gone


That Mournful Breeze