Reeds in the Wind

Do you consider Inspiration to be contagious? I sure do. “I’ve seen it, seent it with my own eyes!” (LOL, not sure what movie that’s from but I say that all the time.) I love hanging out with makers, creators, artists, and craftsmen because the conversations are lively and full of inspiration. 

 Individually, we, as artists of any variation spend an awful lot of time alone. Having had such conversations I think we all have similar traits regardless of what we do.  A bit messy, a bit forgetful sometimes, we listen with half an ear cause the other ear is listening to the voices in your head. But get us in a room with like minded folks and you can’t shut us up! LOL!! 

I’m ever so grateful to all my creator friends, those I’m in close contact with on an almost daily basis and those virtual friends from FB or IG that I would love to meet in person someday. Mainly because I admire so many of them. Their tenacity, their love for what they do and their selflessness in sharing it with the world. May we meet in the future? I sure hope so because I’d love to see some of their beauty in person, and I don’t just mean what they make. Make it a great day, Every day.  

Johannes Brahms: "Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind."

Jeanette Egan

Wood Burning artist making custom creations to encourage and bring smiles!

Winds of Change


Wind Songs