Winds of Fear

Have I ever mentioned that I am a choir leader? It’s only 6 of us in total, small but mighty making a joyful noise unto the Lord. I love these folks beyond measure and have had the honor of leading them for these last 7 years. 

Sometimes we tackle some hard music. I push us to our limits. I know when we need to move along or keep on going because we’re just that close to perfecting it. But every once in a while, no matter how good I think we sound, I have one member that raises doubts, says “There’s no WAY we’re singing that next Sunday!” LOL 

Bible Study last week was on Fear and Doubt. We’re all guilty of it at one time or another. But they can be paralyzing when they overtake us. Sometimes we just need that gentle reminder that God is with us. He Believes in us and His love for us will comfort and guide us even when those winds of fear assail. 

So even if when we sang that song and it was a total train wreck, we continue on, knowing we will be forgiven, that moment will be forgotten eventually. (Except for the “Take Me to the King” by Tamela Mann, we're NEVER doing that again!) hahahhaaaa We move forward, together with God. Since after all, we are singing to the Glory of God. 

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ - Isaiah 41:10

Jeanette Egan

Wood Burning artist making custom creations to encourage and bring smiles!

That Mournful Breeze


A Bird’s Life